Congratulations to Kevin Punzel on winning his second MAST title! Punzel strung games of 257, 278, and 279 together in the first three games of match play for 814 before meeting Greg Thomas in the finals. He defeated Thomas, 225 to 195, to win $514. Punzel also bet on himself to win to earn another $65. Thomas received $283 for second place.
Sixty bowlers came out to compete on Dream Lanes house condition. As expected, scores were high with three 300s bowled in the first game by Paul Bloemer, Chris Sosinski, and Aaron Bertsch. One more 300 was bowled by Joey Kick in the 3rd game and Torry Henderson threw games of 268, 278, and 279 for an 825 in the first 3 games of qualifying. The cut to match play was 952 and Bloemer led with 1046, to receive 25 bonus points.
Dream Lanes and Badger Pro Shop sponsored the tournament. Dream Lanes donated a portion of the linage back to the prize fund and two $10 gift cards to the drawing. Badger Pro Shop donated two balls to the drawing. A Storm Manic was won by Kevin Punzel and a plastic ball won by Andy Mills. The plastic ball was given in anticipation of the Plastic Classic held at Badger Bowl the Friday after Thanksgiving. The gift cards were won by Mark Newkirk and Dan Seppa.