Eoff and Myers Jr. Dominate Doubles

Congratulations to Derek Eoff and Gail Myers Jr. for winning their second MAST doubles title this year! Eoff and Myers Jr. beat out Eric Fritton and Chad Kloss in the final match, 520 to 500, to earn $1152.  Fritton and Kloss took home $610 for second place (3rd-4th -$392, 5th-8th – $280, 9th-10th-$150).

The tournament drew a full field of 40 teams.  Sean Short of Capitol Tires was the top sponsor of the tournament adding $300 directly to the prize fund!  The top eight teams qualified to match play which required a score of 1899 or better.  Myers Jr. and Eoff led qualifying, bowing 2053 for their total 8 games.  Dan Swenson was the individual high qualifier with a score of 1063 during the first shift, which included a 300 and 814 (300, 279, 235) series his first 3 games.  Dan will receive 25 bonus points.  Other honor scores for the day included another 804 (277, 269, 258) by Eoff, a 300 by Matt Gannon, and 11 in a rows by Douglas Forde, Drew Latsch, and Scott Kramer.

Along with Capitol Tires, Middleton Sport Bowl and Badger Pro Shop sponsored the tournament.  Sport Bowl added $148 to the prize fund and four $10 gift cards to the drawing.  Badger Pro Shop donated a Hammer Deadly Aim to the drawing at cost.  The ball was won by Becky James and the gift cards by Jeff Sweeney, Mark Newkirk, Gene Cleary, and Rick Volhard.

Complete Results

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