#342 Badger Bowl

Derek Eoff
Derek Eoff
  • September 9, 2012
  • Badger Bowl
  • 61 Bowlers
  • Cut: +129

Congratulations to Derek Eoff for winning the first MAST tournament of the 2012-2013 season! The MAST opener was held at Badger Bowl and drew 61 bowlers to compete on the new synthetic lanes. The condition was USBC Blue which played as an oily house condition, a contrast to last year on old wood lanes. Cut to match play was 929 with Mike Dole of Rockford and Jason Becher of Green Bay leading qualifying at 1050. Everyone who bowled the tournament will receive 25 bonus points for the challenge condition, Dole and Becher will each receive 25 extra bonus points for qualifying first.

Eoff defeated Gregg Williams 234 to 173 in the title match to earn $608. Williams received $335 for second place. Eoff bowled a score of 1012 to qualify 4th, which included a 290 game. He then bowled 4 impressive games of 245, 279, 237 and 234 to win the tournament. Williams qualified 3rd, bowling many honor scores throughout the day. His first game of 300 earned him a $100 gift card from Badger Bowl. Thanks Badger Bowl! He then followed that up with a 299 in his third game for an 817. During match play, Williams had a 300, 246, and 257 for 804. Beyond the honor scores already mentioned, Cory Goetsch and Todd Kjell bowled 300s and Dole had a 296.

The tournament was sponsored by Midas, Badger Pro Shop, and Badger Bowl. Midas donated $300 directly to the prize fund. A big thank you goes out to Mark Johnson for his support of the MAST! Badger Pro Shop donated a Storm IQ Tour to the drawing. Badger Bowl added four $10 gift cards to the drawing and also gave a break on lineage to add back $116 to the prize fund. The ball was won by Rich Banker and the gift cards were won by Kelsie Osterberger, Lauren Sammel, Chad Kuehmichel, and Chris Gibbons.

QualifyingGame 1Game 2Game 3Game 4Total
1.Dole, Mike2962382582581050
2.Becher, Jason2582582772571050
3.Williams, Gregg3002182992201037
4.Eoff, Derek2092552582901012
5.Oliva, Tony182279257277995
6.Punzel, Kevin255279207237978
7.Myers, Gail234236244260974
8.Erce, Rick249206258245958
9.Dolan, Mike224266242225957
10.Lyons, Scott235256246220957
11.Gibbons, Chris246268225217956
12.Newkirk, Mark234280263175952
13.Bannach, Bryan214212237288951
14.Hoffman, Brian256204245239944
15.Thompson, Kevin244192228269933
16.Swenson, Dan246264227192929
1Mike Dole210
Mike Dole224
16Dan Swenson154
Mike Dole181
9Mike Dolan223
Rick Erce180
8Rick Erce225
Derek Eoff234
5Tony Oliva248
Tony Oliva278
12Mark Newkirk209
Derek Eoff237
13Bryan Bannach201
Derek Eoff279
4Derek Eoff245
3Gregg Williams300
Gregg Williams246
14Brian Hoffman146
Gregg Williams257
11Chris Gibbons202
Kevin Punzel227
6Kevin Punzel220
Gregg Williams173
7Gail Myers225
Scott Lyons236
10Scott Lyons246
Jason Becher224
15Kevin Thompson194
Jason Becher238
2Jason Becher200
Prize ListPrize
Eoff Derek$608.00
Williams Gregg$325.00
Dole, Mike$220.00
Becher, Jason$220.00
Oliva, Tony$167.00
Punzel, Kevin$167.00
Erce, Rick$167.00
Lyons, Scott$167.00
Myers, Gail$133.00
Dolan, Mike$133.00
Gibbons, Chris$133.00
Newkirk, Mark$133.00
Bannach, Bryan$133.00
Hoffman, Brian$133.00
Thompson, Kevin$133.00
Swenson, Dan $133.00
Pot GamesGamePrize
Todd Kjell300$40.00
Kevin Thompson268$15.00
SurvivorGame 1Game 2Game 3Game 4Prize
Mike Dole296238258258$90.00
Jason Becher258258277257$40.00
Brian Hoffman256204245239$20.00
Chris Gibbons246268225217$10.00
Mike Dole$210.00
Chris Gibbons$70.00
Greg Thomas$60.00
Rick Thomas$45.00
Scott Lyons$45.00
Jack Sullivan$25.00
Kevin Thompson$25.00
Todd Kjell$25.00
Jason Becher$20.00
Eoff, Derek20925525829010122452792372349952007250.88286$608.00
Williams, Gregg30021829922010373002462571739762013251.63261$325.00
Dole, Mike29623825825810502102241816151665237.86261$220.00
Becher, Jason25825827725710502002382246621712244.57261$220.00
Oliva, Tony1822792572779952482785261521253.50211$167.00
Punzel, Kevin2552792072379782202274471425237.50211$167.00
Erce, Rick2492062582459582251804051363227.17211$167.00
Lyons, Scott2352562462209572462364821439239.83211$167.00
Myers, Gail2342362442609742252251199239.80186$133.00
Dolan, Mike2242662422259572232231180236.00186$133.00
Gibbons, Chris2462682252179562022021158231.60186$133.00
Newkirk, Mark2342802631759522092091161232.20186$133.00
Bannach, Bryan2142122372889512012011152230.40186$133.00
Hoffman, Brian2562042452399441461461090218.00186$133.00
Thompson, Kevin2441922282699331941941127225.40186$133.00
Swenson, Dan2462642271929291541541083216.60186$133.00
Kjell, Todd188242193300923923230.75176
Hoffman, Mike223244229227923923230.75176
Hall, George209185246268908908227.00156
Schalow, Jonathan202214247245908908227.00156
Thomas, Greg224215252215906906226.50136
Stabenaw, Mike211246248196901901225.25135
Thomas, Rick201258214224897897224.25134
Prein, Jeff181235236245897897224.25134
Ritchie, Brent212180245258895895223.75132
Van Natta, Larry213205268207893893223.25131
Alivo, Joe244202218222886886221.50130
Ramsden, Cody181200265239885885221.25129
Smith, Tyler212268207194881881220.25128
Gibney, Casey200249219211879879219.75127
Sullivan, Jack215200218245878878219.50126
Goepfert, Dan223189216248876876219.00125
Kocos, Scott257184205225871871217.75124
Kimpel, Herb237235206191869869217.25123
Goetsch, Cory219300176172867867216.75122
Sell, Bill215194241211861861215.25121
Shaw, Dave248178196238860860215.00120
Banker, Rich216180234224854854213.50119
Wolfe, Jeremy268179226176849849212.25118
Whitcomb, Jon232167258191848848212.00117
Dins, Shannon257223197169846846211.50116
Nary, Richard221192221206840840210.00115
Frosch, Theresa194214161267836836209.00114
Kuehmichel, Chad202213206214835835208.75113
Dietz, Joseph166193238237834834208.50112
Beres, Dave213258181181833833208.25111
Mitchell, Shawn255190189183817817204.25110
Fosdick, Jim204193191225813813203.25109
Loret, Chris224164190225803803200.75108
Lee, Blong193151213244801801200.25107
Gille, Todd151235227188801801200.25107
Sammel, Lauren223206213156798798199.50106
Seppa, Dan212185183216796796199.00106
Christian, Mike166224198204792792198.00106
Wipperfurth, Jim240161155223779779194.75106
Meisel, Dustin180201183215779779194.75106
Gannon, Matt152179226221778778194.50106
Deering, Kai205238166146755755188.75106
Maas, Chad180136211203730730182.50106
Sweeney, Jeff181165190174710710177.50106
Brabender, Tom157194208148707707176.75106