#343 Spartan Bowl

Dan Swenson
Dan Swenson
  • September 16, 2012
  • Spartan Bowl
  • 47 Bowlers
  • Cut: +148

Congratulations to Dan Swenson on winning his 4th MAST title at Spartan Bowl! Dan defeated Jonathan Schalow in the final survivor match to earn $431.00 Jonathon received $229.00 for second place.

The tournament drew 47 bowlers and was competed on Spartan’s house condition. The cut to the top 12 survivor final was +148, with the top 4 qualifiers receiving a bye for the first round. Schalow led the 4 game qualifying with 981 and will receive 25 extra bonus points for his efforts.

This was the first MAST tournament that the survivor final format has been used. After each game, the field was cut to the top 50% of qualifiers using the highest score from that game only. This format continued until the winner, Swenson had survived. The format will again be used later this season at Wildcat Lanes.

Spartan bowl offered up a $100 gift card to the first 300 game bowled during the tournament. Unfortunately none were bowled. Brent Richie was closest, with an honor score of 290.

The tournament was sponsored by Spartan Bowl who donated a portion of the lineage back to the prize fund.

QualifyingGame 1Game 2Game 3Game 4Total
1.Schalow, Jonathan238247249247981
2.Eoff, Derek248278227225978
2.Swenson, Dan268225268217978
2.Brinkman, Steve279215216268978
5.Roder, Brock267204238268977
6.Alivo, Joe246202248278974
7.Punzel, Kevin267258214222961
7.Thomas, Rick232248268213961
9.Erce, Rick231269191269960
10.Kimpel, Herb228189248288953
11.Jastroch, Ryan235237236244952
12.Fenske, Todd258211201278948
Match PlayRound 1Round 2Round 3Round 4Total
Swenson, Danbye237247247731
Schalow, Jonathanbye230268208706
Eoff, Derekbye276247523
Fenske, Todd268258243769
Brinkman, Stevebye226226
Thomas, Rick236224460
Kimpel, Herb225223448
Jastroch, Ryan215203418
Erce, Rick214214
Roder, Brock210210
Alivo, Joe210210
Punzel, Kevin195195
Prize ListPrize
Swenson, Dan$431.00
Schalow, Jonathan$229.00
Eoff, Derek$177.00
Fenske, Todd$177.00
Brinkman, Steve$138.00
Thomas, Rick$138.00
Kimpel, Herb$138.00
Jastroch, Ryan$138.00
Erce, Rick$113.00
Roder, Brock$113.00
Alivo, Joe$113.00
Punzel, Kevin$113.00
Pot GamesGamePrize
Todd Fenske278$35.00
Kevin Thompson268$10.00
SurvivorGame 1Game 2Game 3Game 4Prize
Joe Alivo246202248278$70.00
Glenn Schwandt230205228246$30.00
Mike Hoffman208200246225$10.00
Rick Thomas$135.00
Todd Fenske$50.00
Todd Kjell$50.00
Brian Mattmiller$25.00
Mark Newkirk$20.00
Swenson, Dan2682252682179782372472477311709244.14247$431.00
Schalow, Jonathan2382472492479812302682087061687241.00247$229.00
Eoff, Derek2482782272259782762475231501250.17197$177.00
Fenske, Todd2582112012789482682582437691717245.29197$177.00
Brinkman, Steve2792152162689782262261204240.80172$138.00
Thomas, Rick2322482682139612362244601421236.83172$138.00
Kimpel, Herb2281892482889532252234481401233.50172$138.00
Jastroch, Ryan2352372362449522152034181370228.33172$138.00
Erce, Rick2312691912699602142141174234.80147$113.00
Roder, Brock2672042382689772102101187237.40147$113.00
Alivo, Joe2462022482789742102101184236.80147$113.00
Punzel, Kevin2672582142229611951951156231.20147$113.00
Ritchie, Brent290211226212939939234.75137
Gannon, Matt249185257248939939234.75137
Williams, Gregg246236205243930930232.50117
Thompson, Kevin251176234268929929232.25107
Fosdick, Jim205221239257922922230.5097
Mattmiller, Brian238223189267917917229.2596
Schwandt, Glenn230205228246909909227.2595
Kjell, Todd266213237181897897224.2594
Wolfe, Jeremy188257214236895895223.7593
Seppa, Dan243195197255890890222.5092
Pounders, Chris202214216256888888222.0091
Felch, Shawn212242193236883883220.7590
Hoffman, Mike208200246225879879219.7589
Wege, AJ246215215201877877219.2588
Whitcomb, Jon265187234190876876219.0087
Goepfert, Dan259180205226870870217.5086
Zarnstorff, Rich247212254152865865216.2585
Geitz, Dal195225236208864864216.0084
Sell, Bill223191235211860860215.0083
Gibbons, Chris247205181216849849212.2582
James, Michael213191224221849849212.2582
Prein, Jeff162227245214848848212.0080
Stabenaw, Mike247207214176844844211.0079
Myers, Gail187209192245833833208.2578
Duffield, Ken184176238226824824206.0077
Bechtolt, Shawn181222242179824824206.0077
Hamilton, Rob183197218224822822205.5075
Newkirk, Mark200237191187815815203.7574
Steller, John224211186191812812203.0073
Mitchell, Shawn182235204173794794198.5072
Becher, Jason185214186204789789197.2571
Sweeney, Jeff216219173172780780195.0070
Thomas, Jacob214226157178775775193.7569
Kuehmichel, Chad159180180165684684171.0068
Nary, Richard157182162173674674168.5067