#349 Schwoegler Entertainment Center

Mike Hoffman 1-19-13

  • January 19, 2013
  • Schwoegler Entertainment Center
  • 47 Bowlers
  • Cut: +149

Congratulations to Mike Hoffman for winning his third consecutive and fourth MAST title this year!  Hoffman is the first bowler to win 4 MAST titles in one year.   He beat out Chris Pounders, 226 to 171, and received $430 for the win plus an additional $35 for betting on himself to win.  Pounders received $228 for second place. 

The competition was held on the USBC Blue shot which led to high scoring and a cut of 949 to the top 12 and match play.  Kevin Punzel led qualifying with an impressive 1001 to receive 25 extra bonus points.  Everyone who bowled will also receive an additional 25 points for the challenge condition.  Andy Bunkoske bowled a 300, the only honor score of the day.

Schwoeglers E. C. and Badger Pro Shop sponsored the tournament.  Schwoeglers gave back a portion of the lineage to the prize fund and four $10 gift cards to the drawing.  Badger Pro Shop gave a Storm Manic to the drawing at cost.  The ball was won by David Beres and the cards were won by Dan Swenson, Trevor Habich, Ron Blanchar, and Mike Hoffman.

QualifyingGame 1Game 2Game 3Game 4Total
1.Punzel, Kevin2592782592051001
2.Bunkoske, Andy231243300222996
3.Hoffman, Mike245242257236980
4.Beres, Dave248246248233975
5.Schalow, Jonathan256237233246972
6.Ramsden, Cody245239256221961
6.Thomas, Jacob237232237255961
8.Kjell, Todd258269195236958
8.Pounders, Chris244249231234958
10.Thompson, Kevin279279207188953
11.Van Natta, Larry201278258213950
12.Prein, Jeff238221237253949
1Kevin Punzel 
Kevin Punzel192
Chris Pounders227
9Chris Pounders227
Chris Pounders214
8Todd Kjell216
Chris Pounders171
5Jonathan Schalow257
Jonathan Schalow193
12Jeff Prein205
Dave Beres218
Dave Beres226
4Dave Beres 
3Mike Hoffman 
Mike Hoffman245
Mike Hoffman235
11Larry Van Natta243
Larry Van Natta189
6Cody Ramsden242
Mike Hoffman226
7Jacob Thomas241
Jacob Thomas226
10Kevin Thompson187
Andy Bunkoske200
Andy Bunkoske258
2Andy Bunkoske 
Prize ListPrize
Hoffman, Mike$430.00
Pounders, Chris$228.00
Bunkoske, Andy$177.00
Beres, Dave$177.00
Thomas, Jacob$137.00
Schalow, Jonathan$137.00
Van Natta, Larry$137.00
Punzel, Kevin$137.00
Ramsden, Cody$113.00
Kjell, Todd$113.00
Prein, Jeff$113.00
Thompson, Kevin$113.00
Pot GamesGamePrize
Jeff Prein253$25.00
Joey Kick239$10.00
SurvivorGame 1Game 2Game 3Game 4Prize
Mike Hoffman245242257236$50.00
Dave Beres248246248233$30.00
Kevin Punzel259278259205$10.00
Dan Swenson$125.00
Dave Beres$105.00
Herb Kimpel$65.00
Adam Czerniewski$25.00
Brent Ritchie$10.00
Dal Geitz$10.00
Mike Dolan$10.00
Hoffman, Mike2452422572369802452352267061686240.86272$430.00
Pounders, Chris2442492312349582272142271718391797224.63247$228.00
Bunkoske, Andy2312433002229962582004581454242.33222$177.00
Beres, Dave2482462482339752262184441419236.50222$177.00
Thomas, Jacob2372322372559612412264671428238.00197$137.00
Schalow, Jonathan2562372332469722521934451417236.17197$137.00
Van Natta, Larry2012782582139502431694121362227.00197$137.00
Punzel, Kevin25927825920510011921921193238.60222$137.00
Ramsden, Cody2452392562219612422421203240.60172$113.00
Kjell, Todd2582691952369582162161174234.80172$113.00
Prein, Jeff2382212372539492052051154230.80172$113.00
Thompson, Kevin2792792071889531871871140228.00172$113.00
Kick, Joey279223196239937937234.25162
Kimpel, Herb223265226218932932233.00152
Anderson, Kyle231222265214932932233.00152
Bannach, Bryan259235209224927927231.75132
Swenson, Dan193227259236915915228.75122
Bertsch, Aaron223216226246911911227.75121
Janz, Tim237215197258907907226.75120
Augustus, Edward223254191226894894223.50119
Seppa, Dan248185247204884884221.00119
Czerniewski, Adam236223198225882882220.50117
Blanchar, Ron221211224224880880220.00116
Morris, Tim243197262177879879219.75115
Geitz, Dal243204247184878878219.50114
Theis, Carter256226170226878878219.50114
Thaden, Tony197207239229872872218.00112
Gibbons, Chris194215212248869869217.25111
Newkirk, Mark224200251193868868217.00110
Ritchie, Brent216222224204866866216.50109
Banker, Rich239211224189863863215.75108
Wolfe, Jeremy157243237226863863215.75108
Schroeder, Nick207213200237857857214.25106
Bechtolt, Shawn267185223175850850212.50105
Sammel, Lauren207213235190845845211.25104
Sell, Bill180223237200840840210.00103
Becher, Jason247223168201839839209.75102
Cutrell, Ron210193236199838838209.50101
Whitcomb, Jon211202219191823823205.75100
Herbst, David214198194214820820205.0099
Dolan, Mike209171268151799799199.7598
Janz, Joe183185195209772772193.0097
Mitchell, Shawn195221181175772772193.0097
Habich, Trevor147182256184769769192.2595
Lyons, Scott166185179211741741185.2594
Stabenaw, Mike180169149237735735183.7593
Kuehmichel, Chad191146178184699699174.7592