#351 Wildcat Lanes

Jason Becher 2-23-13

  • February 23, 2013
  • Wildcat Lanes
  • 37 Bowlers
  • Cut: +109

Congratulations to Jason Becher on winning his first MAST title! In the final match, Becher defeated Larry Van Natta, 252 to 225, to take home $384. Van Natta received $204. This was one of two tournaments this season to use the Survivor format. Van Natta and Becher qualified second and third, respectively, both receiving a bye for the first Survivor round. They then went on to survive two more rounds before meeting each other in the championship match. Van Natta bowled games of 267, 247, and 289 for an 803 during qualifying and added a 298 his third game of match play. Becher had a 300 during his third game of qualifying.

The Wildcat tournament drew 37 bowlers and was competed on the USBC Blue shot. Thanks to Herb Kimpel and the sponsorship from New York Life Insurance Company, an additional 2 spots were paid to allow for a cut to the top 12 bowlers rather than the top 8. It took a 909 over four games to make the cut. Dan Swenson led qualifying with 1015 and will receive 25 extra bonus points. All bowlers will also receive 25 bonus points for the challenge condition. Along with the honor scores previously mentioned, Jeff Prein bowled a 300 his last game of qualifying.

Other sponsors for the tournament were Wildcat Lanes and Badger Pro Shop. Wildcat Lanes threw an extra $75 into the prize fund from reduced lineage and gave three $10 gift cards to the drawing. Badger Pro Shop donated a Storm IQ Tour Pearl at cost. Brent Ritchie won the ball and Shannon Dins, Tom Smyth, and Nick Schroeder won the gift cards.

QualifyingGame 1Game 2Game 3Game 4Total
1.Swenson, Dan2472672222791015
2.Van Natta, Larry267247289195998
3.Becher, Jason267213300209989
4.Seppa, Dan224229247268968
4.Morris, Tim239226246257968
6.Prein, Jeff226224212300962
7.Hoffman, Mike279215203258955
8.Wolfe, Jeremy246268239192945
9.Dins, Shannon224257256204941
10.Punzel, Kevin205247204280936
11.Bloemer, Paul211266244192913
12.Labinski, David209257227216909
Match PlayRound 1Round 2Round 3Round 4Total
Becher, Jasonbye205241252698
Van Natta, Larrybye215298225738
Morris, Tim266235199700
Punzel, Kevin233249193675
Prein, Jeff236202438
Wolfe, Jeremy232201433
Swenson, Danbye199199
Seppa, Danbye192192
Labinski, David213213
Hoffman, Mike211211
Dins, Shannon203203
Bloemer, Paul192192
Prize ListPrize
Becher, Jason$384.00
Van Natta, Larry$204.00
Morris, Tim$158.00
Punzel, Kevin$158.00
Prein, Jeff$123.00
Wolfe, Jeremy$123.00
Swenson, Dan$123.00
Seppa, Dan$123.00
Labinski, David$101.00
Hoffman, Mike$101.00
Dins, Shannon$101.00
Bloemer, Paul$101.00
Pot GamesGamePrize
Jeff Prein300$25.00
Kevin Punzel280$10.00
SurvivorGame 1Game 2Game 3Game 4Prize
Jeff Prein226224212300$70.00
Dan Swenson247267222279$30.00
Mike Hoffman279215203258$10.00
Chris Pounders$50.00
Dan Swenson$50.00
Jason Becher$50.00
Paul Bloemer$50.00
Dal Geitz$45.00
David Labinski$45.00
Ken Duffield$25.00
Becher, Jason2672133002099892052412526981687241.00262$384.00
Van Natta, Larry2672472891959982152982257381736248.00237$204.00
Morris, Tim2392262462579682662351997001668238.29212$158.00
Punzel, Kevin2052472042809362332491936751611230.14212$158.00
Prein, Jeff2262242123009622362024381400233.33187$123.00
Wolfe, Jeremy2462682391929452322014331378229.67187$123.00
Swenson, Dan24726722227910151991991214242.80212$123.00
Seppa, Dan2242292472689681921921160232.00187$123.00
Labinski, David2092572272169092132131122224.40162$101.00
Hoffman, Mike2792152032589552112111166233.20162$101.00
Dins, Shannon2242572562049412032031144228.80162$101.00
Bloemer, Paul2112662441929131921921105221.00162$101.00
Kimpel, Herb212205246245908908227.00152
Sammel, Lauren226198254226904904226.00142
Duffield, Ken231206235224896896224.00132
Thompson, Kevin236256195205892892223.00122
Jackson, Chris256192215221884884221.00112
Kjell, Todd233237187227884884221.00112
Socha, John184233256205878878219.50110
Thomas, Jacob207226187254874874218.50109
Pounders, Chris184210243226863863215.75108
Blanchar, Ron179215212243849849212.25107
Geitz, Dal182229224203838838209.50106
Sell, Bill159255214197825825206.25105
Thaden, Tony226200193200819819204.75104
Smyth, Tom164234180238816816204.00103
Ritchie, Brent201166210235812812203.00102
Bertsch, Aaron168200224216808808202.00101
Augustus, Edward199194195204792792198.00100
Sunell, Conway191179184236790790197.5099
Deering, Kai205176227170778778194.5098
Spanaus, Matt168199194179740740185.0097
Koyen, Kaylee157200214166737737184.2596
Schroeder, Nick225186149161721721180.2595
Stabenaw, Mike158187198160703703175.7594
Schroeder, Justin168147161146622622155.5093
Bechtolt, Shawn146169134153602602150.5092