#364 Viking Lanes

Dal Geitz 2-16-14

  • February 16, 2014
  • Viking Lanes
  • 38 Bowlers
  • Cut: +109

Congratulations to Dal Geitz on winning his 3rd MAST title! Geitz defeated Jay Heinzleman in the title match, 266 to 204, to earn $376. Heinzelman received $200 for second place (3rd-4th $155, 5th-8th $120, 9th-12th $99).
The tournament drew 39 bowlers and the top 12 bowlers, scoring 909 or better, advanced to match play. Heinzelman led qualifying with an impressive 1060 (276, 279, 247, 258), which included an 802 for his first three games. Heinzelman will receive 25 bonus points for the accomplishment.
Viking Lanes sponsored the tournament adding a portion of the linage back to the prize fund. They also gave a free entry to the Viking Lanes 8-pin tap tournament (worth $125) and three $10 gift cards to the drawing. Lauren Sammel won the entry and a gift card. Heinzelman and Bill Aaberg each won a gift card.

BOWLERGame 1Game 2Game 3Game 4Total
1.Heinzelman, Jay2762792472581060
2.Haug, Heath279231225257992
3.Swenson, Dan236270243206955
4.Duffield, Ken259255178243935
5.Richgels, Jeff255256207214932
6.Newkirk, Mark278193235225931
7.Scholz, Kevin220233247231931
8.Kimpel, Herb253227205246931
9.Kjell, Todd196247222257922
10.Geitz, Dal247225227215914
11.Ritchie, Brent190289221212912
12.Reigel, Chris238246254171909
1Jay HeinzelmanBYE
Jay Heinzelman237
Jay Heinzelman253
9Todd Kjell191
Kevin Scholz228
8Kevin Scholz246
Jay Heinzelman204
5Jeff Richgels254
Jeff Richgels258
12Chris Reigel206
Jeff Richgels226
Ken Duffield190
4Ken DuffieldBYE
3Dan SwensonBYE
Dan Swenson222
Mark Newkirk237
11Brent Ritchie192
Mark Newkirk224
6Mark Newkirk258
Dal Geitz266
7Herb Kimpel197
Dal Geitz213
10Dal Geitz258
Dal Geitz249
Heath Haug200
2Heath HaugBYE
Geitz, Dal$376.00
Heinzelman, Jay$200.00
Richgels, Jeff$155.00
Newkirk, Mark$155.00
Scholz, Kevin$120.00
Haug, Heath$120.00
Swenson, Dan$120.00
Duffield, Ken$120.00
Kimpel, Herb$99.00
Kjell, Todd$99.00
Ritchie, Brent$99.00
Reigel, Chris$99.00
Kevin Thompson227$30.00
Kevin Punzel223$10.00
BowlerGame 1Game 2Game 3Game 4Prize
Jay Heinzelman276279247258$80.00
Dal Geitz247225227215$40.00
Jeff Richgels255256207214$20.00
Jeff Richgels$135.00
Dan Swenson$95.00
Dal Geitz$75.00
Kevin Scholz$50.00
Brent Ritchie$40.00
Justin Fryer$40.00
Andrew Turner$30.00
Chris Gibbons$25.00
Geitz, Dal2472252272159142582132492669861900237.50239$376.00
Heinzelman, Jay27627924725810602372532046941754250.57239$200.00
Richgels, Jeff2552562072149322542582267381670238.57189$155.00
Newkirk, Mark2781932352259312582242377191650235.71189$155.00
Scholz, Kevin2202332472319312462284741405234.17164$120.00
Haug, Heath2792312252579922002001192238.40164$120.00
Swenson, Dan2362702432069552222221177235.40164$120.00
Duffield, Ken2592551782439351901901125225.00164$120.00
Kimpel, Herb2532272052469311971971128225.60139$99.00
Kjell, Todd1962472222579221911911113222.60139$99.00
Ritchie, Brent1902892212129121921921104220.80139$99.00
Reigel, Chris2382462541719092062061115223.00139$99.00
Pounders, Chris224233227220904904226.00129
Erce, Rick236203245216900900225.00119
Gibbons, Chris194216258231899899224.75109
Zarnstorff, Rich236212227224899899224.75109
Fryer, Justin269237223168897897224.2589
Prein, Jeff255179245207886886221.5088
Punzel, Kevin254214194223885885221.2587
Ripp, Dan258236177214885885221.2587
Myers, Gail232249179224884884221.0085
Thaden, Tony230198242204874874218.5084
Call, Brian238236212186872872218.0083
Dins, Shannon239215194206854854213.5082
Turner, Andrew181280224163848848212.0081
Sammel, Lauren231180189246846846211.5080
Thompson, Kevin212190216227845845211.2579
Thomas, Rick227192216204839839209.7578
Hoffman, Mike214226204193837837209.2577
Johnson, Jeff212204215199830830207.5076
Schalow, Jonathan225207176220828828207.0075
Taliaferro, Shaun193215244169821821205.2574
Sweeney, Jeff229195173183780780195.0073
Murray, Robert197214178187776776194.0072
Morris, Jacob198179211187775775193.7571
Mitchell, Shawn217173180200770770192.5070
Aaberg, William202190182172746746186.5069
Kuehmichel, Chad155181173191700700175.0068
Falk, Kevin167168191171697697174.2567