#366 Bowl-A-Vard Lanes

Andy Mills 3-8-14

  • March 22, 2014
  • Bowl-A-Vard Lanes
  • 52 Bowlers
  • Cut: +49

Congratulations to Danial Carlson on winning his first MAST title! Carlson defeated Carter Theis with an impressive 296 to 245 in the title match. This was the only honor score bowled during the tournament. Carlson received $453 for the win and Theis, $249 for second place (3rd-4th $164, 5th-8th $124, 9th-16th $99).
The tournament was contested on the USBC Singles/Doubles Open Shot. Fifty-two bowlers competed who will all receive 25 bonus points for the challenge pattern. Sixteen bowlers qualified to match play finals which required a score of 849 or better. Jeff Prein and Ken Duffield tied for 16th place with Duffield edging out Prein in a 9th and 10th frame roll off to move on to match play. Prein received ½ the prize fund of 16th place. Greg Thomas was lead qualifier bowling games of 256, 223, 239, and 268 for a 986. He will receive 25 extra points for the accomplishment
Bowl-A-Vard and Phoenix Pro Shop sponsored the tournament. Bowl-A-Vard gave a break on lineage and donated three $10 gift cards to the drawing. Phoenix Pro Shop gave a Brunswick Aura at a reduced cost to the drawing, which was won by Tony Spigarella. Tim Janz, Kenny Chavez, and Kevin Punzel each won a gift card.

BOWLERGame 1Game 2Game 3Game 4Total
1.Thomas, Greg256223239268986
2.Bunkoske, Andy247248226235956
3.Janz, Joe187211288246932
4.Mills, Andy198223279225925
5.Oliva, Tony189266216236907
6.Carlson, Danial205266234184889
7.Heinzelman, Jay202267196210875
8.Schalow, Jonathan192221233222868
9.Theis, Carter213214192246865
10.Spigarelli, Tony224211245181861
11.Radtke, Scott205215213228861
12.Heilman, Nick246169227216858
13.Punzel, Kevin202190199266857
14.Call, Brian256167210222855
15.Pounders, Chris173231235213852
16.Duffield, Ken206180258205849
1.Greg Thomas248
Ken Duffield179
16.Ken Duffield259
Carter Thies215
9.Carter Theis226
Carter Theis222
8.Jon Schalow181
Carter Theis245
5.Tony Oliva244
Tony Oliva189 +28
12.Nick Heilman205
Andy Mills199
13.Kevin Punzel235
Andy Mills189 + 37
4.Andy Mills268
3.Joe Janz207
Brian Call159
14.Brian Call216
Danial Carlson225
11.Scott Radtke180
Danial Carlson196
6.Danial Carlson246
Danial Carlson296
7.Jay Heinzelman247
Jay Heinzelman246
10.Tony Spigarella237
Jay Heinzelman215
15.Chris Pounders179
Andy Bunskoske215
2.Andy Bunkoske200
Carlson, Danial$453.00
Theis, Carter$249.00
Heinzelman, Jay$164.00
Mills, Andy$164.00
Bunkoske, Andy$124.00
Oliva, Tony$124.00
Duffield, Ken$124.00
Call, Brian$124.00
Thomas, Greg$99.00
Janz, Joe$99.00
Spigarelli, Tony$99.00
Punzel, Kevin$99.00
Heilman, Nick$99.00
Schalow, Jonathan$99.00
Radtke, Scott$99.00
Pounders, Chris$99.00
Greg Thomas268$40.00
Kevin Punzel266$15.00
BowlerGame 1Game 2Game 3Game 4Prize
Greg Thomas256223239268$80.00
Andy Mills198223279225$30.00
Jeff Prein223176225225$30.00
Andy Mills$310.00
Greg Thomas$200.00
Chris Pounders$30.00
Jay Heinzelman$20.00
Ken Duffield$20.00
Nick Heilman$20.00
Dal Geitz$10.00
David Beres$10.00
Walter Pekovitch$10.00
Carlson, Danial2052662341848892461962352969731862232.75277$453.00
Theis, Carter2132141922468652262222152459081773221.63252$249.00
Heinzelman, Jay2022671962108752472462157081583226.14227$164.00
Mills, Andy1982232792259252681891996561581225.86227$164.00
Bunkoske, Andy2472482262359562002154151371228.50202$124.00
Oliva, Tony1892662162369072441894331340223.33202$124.00
Duffield, Ken2061802582058492591794381287214.50202$124.00
Call, Brian2561672102228552161593751230205.00202$124.00
Thomas, Greg2562232392689862482481234246.80202$99.00
Janz, Joe1872112882469322072071139227.80177$99.00
Spigarelli, Tony2242112451818612332331094218.80177$99.00
Punzel, Kevin2021901992668572352351092218.40177$99.00
Heilman, Nick2461692272168582052051063212.60177$99.00
Schalow, Jonathan1922212332228681811811049209.80177$99.00
Radtke, Scott2052152132288611801801041208.20177$99.00
Pounders, Chris1732312352138521791791031206.20177$99.00
Prein, Jeff223176225225849849212.25167
Thompson, Kevin161206245234846846211.50157
Geitz, Dal221221218185845845211.25147
Kimpel, Herb171186253229839839209.75137
Sell, Bill186220212217835835208.75127
Angileri, Brian211228196193828828207.00126
Banker, Rich196199193224812812203.00125
Beres, Dave227158222205812812203.00125
Dins, Shannon198210204198810810202.50123
Holzbauer, Bob187192224203806806201.50122
VanDenLangenberg, Jerry164222178237801801200.25121
Thaden, Tony189221195192797797199.25120
Newkirk, Mark163235225163786786196.50119
Ritchie, Brent181147223235786786196.50119
Kjell, Todd236196183168783783195.75117
Janz, Tim248112204218782782195.50116
Lange, Terrence158204223195780780195.00115
Schneider, Andy156194192233775775193.75114
Bechtolt, Shawn207189197170763763190.75113
Sammel, Lauren206188172197763763190.75113
Erce, Rick222166180194762762190.50111
Hoffman, Mike181213177184755755188.75110
Pekovitch, Walter197171193186747747186.75109
Lange, Ken209162171205747747186.75109
Nary, Richard154151190245740740185.00107
Haug, Heath151210191184736736184.00106
Seppa, Dan192189164185730730182.50105
Falk, Kevin156183198175712712178.00104
Sharer, Sam139189178206712712178.00104
Mitchell, Shawn199158145202704704176.00102
Roedner, Cody181154190177702702175.50101
Taliaferro, Shaun162182162179685685171.25100
Morris, Tim159178172175684684171.0099
Kuehmichel, Chad162184178145669669167.2598
Chavez, Ken165168164164661661165.2597
Holmes, Theresa177181141132631631157.7597