#424 Tower Lanes

Chris Gibbons 11-4-2018
Chris Gibbons
  • November 4, 2018
  • Tower Lanes
  • 46 Bowlers
  • Cut: +94

Chris Gibbons defeated Chris Jackson 223-203 to win the MAST survivor finals at Tower Lanes in Beaver Dam Sunday. Gibbons qualified fifth at 960, and kept up that pace with 958 through four games of survivor-round play en route to the win, his eighth career title.

Gibbons earned $477 for the win, with Jackson taking home $264 for second. The other payouts Sunday were $169 for 3rd-4th, $127 for 5th-8th, and $99 for 9th-16th. Gibbons also claimed $140 from the Bet To Win pot.

Forty-six bowlers competed on Kegel’s Middle Road oil pattern. The cut after four games of qualifying was 894. Shaun Taliaferro led qualifying at 1003, he will receive 25 bonus points in the M & J Truck and Auto Points race. There was one honor count posted Sunday, with David Beres shooting 300 in his second qualifying game. Ryan Oelke had a near miss with 299 to open qualifying.

Joe Janz and Janz Home Improvement donated $200 to the tournament prize fund for this event. TJ’s Pro Shop donated a 900 Global Honey Badger Claw bowling ball, won by Taliaferro. Host center Tower Lanes added three $10 gift cards, won by Taliaferro, Matt Mysliwiec, and Tim Janz. Combined proceeds resulted in $367 added to the prize fund. MAST extends a huge Thank You to Janz Home Improvement, TJ’s Pro Shop and Tower Lanes for their generosity.

1.Taliaferro, Shaun2122682772461003
2.Smith, Riley280235245237997
3.Zagar, Ryan268243212265988
4.Oelke, Ryan299220190275984
5.Gibbons, Chris226249258227960
6.Beres, David199300244210953
7.Mysliwiec, Matt258213243227941
8.Hill, Chris277257192214940
9.Schalow, Jon266216204245931
10.Jackson, Chris249238247194928
11.Geitz, Dal247238206232923
12.Oliva, Tony233218223247921
13.Janz, Tim228246245193912
14.Hoffman, Mike214234278180906
15.Wiley, Chris234256201212903
16.Boeck, Devon259215220200894

Round 1Round 2Round 3Round 4
Gibbons, Chris257232246223
Jackson, Chris247258237203
Schalow, Jon277235225
Mysliwiec, Matt245239117
Beres, David266220
Zagar, Ryan234220
Smith, Riley246212
Hoffman, Mike246205
Janz, Tim230
Oelke, Ryan225
Boeck, Devon221
Geitz, Dal215
Hill, Chris192
Oliva, Tony181
Wiley, Chris177
Taliaferro, Shaun174

Gibbons, Chris$477.00
Jackson, Chris$264.00
Schalow, Jon$169.00
Mysliwiec, Matt$169.00
Beres, David$127.00
Zagar, Ryan$127.00
Smith, Riley$127.00
Hoffman, Mike$127.00
Janz, Tim$99.00
Oelke, Ryan$99.00
Boeck, Devon$99.00
Geitz, Dal$99.00
Hill, Chris$99.00
Oliva, Tony$99.00
Wiley, Chris$99.00
Taliaferro, Shaun$99.00

Game 4Prize
Ryan Zagar265$45.00
Jeff Richgels247$15.00

Game 1Game 2Game 3Game 4Prize
Ryan Zagar268243212265$90.00
Riley Smith280235245237$40.00
Chris Gibbons226249258227$20.00
Ken Duffield212217217211$10.00

Riley Smith$135.00
David Beres$130.00
Ryan Zagar$100.00
Chris Gibbons$75.00
Chris Pierson$50.00

Final Standings

Gibbons, Chris2262492582279602572322462239581918239.75271$477.00
Jackson, Chris2492382471949282472582372039451873234.13246$264.00
Schalow, Jon2662162042459312772352257371668238.29221$169.00
Mysliwiec, Matt2582132432279412452391176011542220.29221$169.00
Beres, David1993002442109532662204861439239.83196$127.00
Zagar, Ryan2682432122659882342204541442240.33196$127.00
Smith, Riley2802352452379972462124581455242.50196$127.00
Hoffman, Mike2142342781809062462054511357226.17196$127.00
Janz, Tim2282462451939122302301142228.40171$99.00
Oelke, Ryan2992201902759842252251209241.80171$99.00
Boeck, Devon2592152202008942212211115223.00171$99.00
Geitz, Dal2472382062329232152151138227.60171$99.00
Hill, Chris2772571922149401921921132226.40171$99.00
Oliva, Tony2332182232479211811811102220.40171$99.00
Wiley, Chris2342562012129031771771080216.00171$99.00
Taliaferro, Shaun21226827724610031741741177235.40196$99.00
Richgels, Jeff236194215247892892223.00161
Prein, Jeff244214231189878878219.50151
Saeger, Todd196198223255872872218.00141
Hall, James170202247246865865216.25131
Thompson, Kevin226223187225861861215.25121
Pursell, Matt224220232184860860215.00120
Duffield, Ken212217217211857857214.25119
Bloemer, Paul172247228208855855213.75118
Heinzelman, Jay209245197203854854213.50117
Starelle, Brennan212211212214849849212.25116
Pounders, Chris246179243180848848212.00115
Bunkoske, Andy208207201223839839209.75114
Janz, Jim258172230177837837209.25113
Johnson, Joe224167218226835835208.75112
Newkirk, Mark233169208216826826206.50111
Tanin, Nick220164245189818818204.50110
Janz, Joe239187224167817817204.25109
Mazzarelli, Anthony212237173194816816204.00108
Peirick, Jason205174186245810810202.50107
Pierson, Chris177245227156805805201.25106
Sweeney, Jeff235167178222802802200.50105
Rusch, Pete205171221203800800200.00104
Damerow, Tim190163231202786786196.50103
Kjell, Todd181189195215780780195.00102
Pursell, Hunter183214178191766766191.50101
Holzbauer, Bob168225170180743743185.75100
Roedner, Cody183193182169727727181.7599
Akers, Calvin188185186165724724181.0098
Olson, Andrew177158186196717717179.2597
Pezoldt, Nick155181156193685685171.2596