#430 Ten Pin Alley

Derek Eoff 3-16-2019
Derek Eoff
  • March 16, 2019
  • Ten Pin Alley
  • 49 Bowlers
  • Cut: +46

Derek Eoff defeated Riley Smith 242-173 to win the Survivor finals at the MAST event at Ten Pin Alley in Fitchburg Saturday. Eoff qualified eighth at 895, then averaged over 246 during Survivor-round play en route to the win. This was Eoff’s tenth career MAST title and second this season, having also teamed with Gail Myers to win the doubles event at Village Lanes in September.

Eoff earned $513 for the win, and also claimed $100 from the Bet to Win pot. Smith took home $283 for second. The other Survivor-round payouts Saturday were $181 for 3rd-4th, $!37 for 5th-8th, and $106 for 9th-16th.

Forty-nine bowlers competed on two different oil patterns for this event, with the 44-foot Del Lanes oil pattern applied on the left lane on each pair, and the 37-foot Adirondack Turnpike on the right. After four games of qualifying, the cut to Survivor-round play was 846. Chris Pierson led qualifying with 958, he earns twenty-five bonus points in the M & J Truck and Auto Points Race. There were no honor counts on the day.

Tournament sponsor Jeff Richgels and 11thFrame.com added $300 to the prize fund for this event. Tour co-sponsor Bob Holzbauer and Phoenix Pro Shop donated a Roto Grip Halo Pearl bowling ball at cost, won by Tim Morris. Host center Ten Pin Alley provided a lineage discount and added four $!0 gift cards, won by Becky James, Amber Pierson, Kevin Thompson, and Dan Carlson. Combined proceeds resulted in $545 added to the tournament prize find. MAST extends a huge Thank You to 11thFrame.com, Phoenix Pro Shop and Ten Pin Alley for their generosity.

1.Pierson, Chris279223244212958
2.Dunn, Tayler269235210208922
3.Janz, Tim267248195212922
4.Smith, Riley209227238237911
5.Carlson, Dan208231225242906
6.Kortes, Peter222225236212895
7.Eoff, Derek225217224229895
8.Beres, David189185236279889
9.Akers, Calvin215197268207887
10.Jackson, Chris202215238224879
11.Schalow, Jon225179258207869
12.Roedner, Cody191228222221862
13.Michalowski, Nathan216226206206854
14.Pounders, Chris197218224209848
15.Wiley, Chris216207198225846
16.Geurtsen, Kyle206201214225846

Round 1Round 2Round 3Round 4
Eoff, Derek229247268242
Smith, Riley220237248173
Wiley, Chris241233247
Pounders, Chris258218228
Beres, David231209
Schalow, Jon236203
Pierson, Chris223201
Roedner, Cody228182
Janz, Tim216
Geurtsen, Kyle213
Dunn, Tayler202
Akers, Calvin202
Kortes, Peter201
Michalowski, Nathan193
Jackson, Chris185
Carlson, Dan180

Eoff, Derek$513.00
Smith, Riley$283.00
Wiley, Chris$181.00
Pounders, Chris$181.00
Beres, David$137.00
Schalow, Jon$137.00
Pierson, Chris$137.00
Roedner, Cody$137.00
Janz, Tim$106.00
Geurtsen, Kyle$106.00
Dunn, Tayler$106.00
Akers, Calvin$106.00
Kortes, Peter$106.00
Michalowski, Nathan$106.00
Jackson, Chris$106.00
Carlson, Dan$106.00

Game 4Prize
Dave Beres279$45.00
Riley Smith237$20.00
Kevin Thompson235$10.00

Game 1Game 2Game 3Game 4Prize
Riley Smith209227238237$100.00
Derek Eoff225217224229$50.00
Chris Jackson202215238224$30.00
Chris Pierson279223244212$10.00

Riley Smith$345.00
Chris Pierson$195.00
Derek Eoff$145.00
Chris Wiley$55.00
Dave Beres$50.00
Kevin Thompson$35.00
Chris Jackson$10.00
Jeff Prein$10.00
Jeff Richgels$10.00
Jonathan Schalow$10.00
Nick Plouff$10.00

Final Standings

Eoff, Derek2252172242298952292472682429861881235.13274$513.00
Smith, Riley2092272382379112202372481738781789223.63249$283.00
Wiley, Chris2162071982258462412332477211567223.86224$181.00
Pounders, Chris1972182242098482582182287041552221.71224$181.00
Beres, David1891852362798892312094401329221.50199$137.00
Schalow, Jon2251792582078692362034391308218.00199$137.00
Pierson, Chris2792232442129582232014241382230.33224$137.00
Roedner, Cody1912282222218622281824101272212.00199$137.00
Janz, Tim2672481952129222162161138227.60174$106.00
Geurtsen, Kyle2062012142258462132131059211.80174$106.00
Dunn, Tayler2692352102089222022021124224.80174$106.00
Akers, Calvin2151972682078872022021089217.80174$106.00
Kortes, Peter2222252362128952012011096219.20174$106.00
Michalowski, Nathan2162262062068541931931047209.40174$106.00
Jackson, Chris2022152382248791851851064212.80174$106.00
Carlson, Dan2082312252429061801801086217.20174$106.00
Gibbons, Chris211194227198830830207.50164
Thompson, Kevin195224168235822822205.50154
Traber, Brian202236173211822822205.50154
Mysliwiec, Matt224147242207820820205.00134
Verdecchia, Danny225180204209818818204.50124
Plouff, Nick194237186201818818204.50124
Hoffman, Mike203225185202815815203.75122
Dempski, Chad234216161190801801200.25121
Bunkoske, Andy201197205196799799199.75120
Newkirk, Mark202208160224794794198.50119
Petrey, Justin231221147193792792198.00118
Krueger, Matt206163223196788788197.00117
Duffield, Ken224223157181785785196.25116
Oliva, Tony195212193180780780195.00115
Ritchie, Brent243159199173774774193.50114
Prein, Jeff180201203190774774193.50114
Saeger, Todd166225200178769769192.25112
Wallenkamp, Ron183199197185764764191.00111
Geitz, Dal152222213171758758189.50110
Richgels, Jeff178195193185751751187.75109
Schmit, Steve198183171192744744186.00108
Thorson, Tim177147210191725725181.25107
Johnson, Joe162175188198723723180.75106
Morris, Jacob169203191138701701175.25105
Labinski, David176176201147700700175.00104
Latsch, Drew156177203159695695173.75103
Benner, Don180156154191681681170.25102
Pursell, Matt173160165175673673168.25101
Erickson, Scott170178170155673673168.25101
Rusch, Pete181152166169668668167.0099
Aschliman, Chris108184193183668668167.0099
Holzbauer, Bob148165159183655655163.7597
Taliaferro, Shaun150177146181654654163.5096