#433 Bowl-A-Vard

Jay Heinzelman 8-24-2019
Jay Heinzelman
  • August 24, 2019
  • Bowl-A-Vard
  • 56 Bowlers
  • Cut: +128

Jay Heinzelman defeated Jason Becher 279-256 to win the MAST event at Bowl-A-Vard Lanes Saturday. Heinzelman qualified 6th at 987, then totaled 977 in his four matches en route to the win, his tenth career MAST title. Becher was the 16-seed at 928, outlasting three other bowlers who finished within four pins of the cut, then averaged 243 in winning his first three matches before falling to Heinzelman.

Heinzelman earned $506 for the win, with Becher taking home $280 for second. The other match play payouts Saturday were $179 for 3rd-4th, $135 for 5th-8th, and $105 for 9th-16th. Heinzelman also won $60 from the Bet To Win pot.

Fifty-six bowlers competed on Bowl-A-Vard’s house shot. Danny Verdecchia led qualifying at 1053 but fell to Becher 247-202 in the opening match; he receives 25 bonus points in the M & J Truck and Auto Points Race for his qualifying effort. The event’s high scoring pace included four honor counts with 300’s by Jason French (2), Ryan Jastroch, and Tony Mazzarelli. There were also several near-misses with 299’s by Heinzelman and Brittany Pollentier.

Tour co-sponsor Bob Holzbauer and Phoenix Pro Shop donated a Roto Grip Halo Vision bowling ball at cost, won by Shaun Taliaferro. Host center Bowl-A-Vard Lanes provided a lineage discount and added four $10 gift cards, won by Dave Beres, Dan Seppa, Jason Becher, and Jeff Prein. Combined proceeds from these resulted in $226 added to the tournament prize fund. MAST extends a huge Thank You to Phoenix Pro Shop and Bowl-A-Vard for their generosity.

1.Verdecchia, Danny2782452412891053
2.French, Jason2413002282431012
3.Oliva, Tony2372902252591011
4.Myers, Gail2892552222371003
5.Wetzel, Nick247250257236990
6.Heinzelman, Jay214236299238987
7.Saeger, Todd237265256208966
8.Pollentier, Brittany225299215226965
9.Duty, Matthew212236287222957
10.Morris, Jacob267255245189956
11.Van Natta, Larry265237233207942
12.Benner, Don259195255233942
13.Beres, David235238207259939
14.Mitchell, Shawn185279215259938
15.Hill, Chris219236236238929
16.Becher, Jason220225225258928

1.D. Verdecchia202
16.J. Becher247
9.M. Duty213
8.B. Pollentier189
5.N. Wetzel239
12.D. Benner257
13.D. Beres217
4.G. Myers209
3.T. Oliva237
14.S. Mitchell257
11.L. Van Natta201
6.J. Heinzelman218
7.T. Saeger243
10.J. Morris169
15.C. Hill255
2.J. French276

Heinzelman, Jay$506.00
Becher, Jason$280.00
Benner, Don$179.00
French, Jason$179.00
Duty, Matthew$135.00
Saeger, Todd$135.00
Mitchell, Shawn$135.00
Beres, David$135.00
Hill, Chris$105.00
Wetzel, Nick$105.00
Oliva, Tony$105.00
Myers, Gail$105.00
Verdecchia, Danny$105.00
Van Natta, Larry$105.00
Pollentier, Brittany$105.00
Morris, Jacob$105.00

Game 4Prize
Jeff Prein290$50.00
Brian Hoffman266$20.00
David Beres259$10.00

Game 1Game 2Game 3Game 4Prize
Jason Becher220225225258$90.00
Jason French241300228243$50.00
Jay Heinzelman214236299238$30.00
Kevin Thompson206236244224$10.00

Matt Duty$135.00
Nick Wetzel$80.00
Jason Becher$75.00
Justin Petrey$75.00
Kevin Thompson$75.00
Lyle Kuhlmann$60.00
Jeff Prein$25.00

Final Standings

Heinzelman, Jay2142362992389872182022782799771964245.50256$506.00
Becher, Jason2202252252589282472332492569851913239.13231$280.00
Benner, Don2591952552339422572042356961638234.00206$179.00
French, Jason24130022824310122763002147901802257.43206$179.00
Duty, Matthew2122362872229572132244371394232.33181$135.00
Saeger, Todd2372652562089662432214641430238.33181$135.00
Mitchell, Shawn1852792152599382571944511389231.50181$135.00
Beres, David2352382072599392171874041343223.83181$135.00
Hill, Chris2192362362389292552551184236.80156$105.00
Wetzel, Nick2472502572369902392391229245.80156$105.00
Oliva, Tony23729022525910112372371248249.60156$105.00
Myers, Gail28925522223710032092091212242.40156$105.00
Verdecchia, Danny27824524128910532022021255251.00181$105.00
Van Natta, Larry2652372332079422012011143228.60156$105.00
Pollentier, Brittany2252992152269651891891154230.80156$105.00
Morris, Jacob2672552451899561691691125225.00156$105.00
Prein, Jeff198216223290927927231.75146
Kuhlman, Lyle218222267219926926231.50136
Schmidt, Corey214246220244924924231.00126
Thompson, Kevin206236244224910910227.50116
Jastroch, Ryan300190224191905905226.25106
Hoffman, Brian213222201266902902225.50105
Scalf, Michael225204238235902902225.50105
Spigarelli, Tony256227172232887887221.75103
Pollentier, Chris230246182224882882220.50102
Sheehy, Quinn202237237200876876219.00101
Roedner, Cody192189257235873873218.25100
Gort, Nick219173245235872872218.0099
Petrey, Justin177234222238871871217.7598
Pezoldt, Nick217205215223860860215.0097
Eoff, Derek206185189279859859214.7596
Pounders, Chris189236192239856856214.0095
Newkirk, Mark225186195246852852213.0094
Kurensky, Chris226245172209852852213.0094
Wolfe, Jermey180233219216848848212.0092
Truehl, Rollie199213211223846846211.5091
Pursell, Matt175236224205840840210.0090
Mazzarelli, Anthony182177180300839839209.7589
McDougal, Scott210164235229838838209.5088
Dunn, Tayler194214232194834834208.5087
Lofquist, Sean197213215209834834208.5087
Akers, Calvin235196216184831831207.7585
Morris, Tim198267193167825825206.2584
Stanelle, Brennan190243199190822822205.5083
Dins, Shannon172221222202817817204.2582
Gehrke, Amber199212235165811811202.7581
Gille, Todd232191205181809809202.2580
Jackson, Chris206211172216805805201.2579
Khouanlak, Mikey189201145268803803200.7578
Nowaczyk, Bob218241153189801801200.2577
Haug, Nate186204195207792792198.0076
Green, Zack203209181176769769192.2576
Czaja, Stephen238156179183756756189.0076
Farrington, Steve222182159169732732183.0076
Taliaferro, Shaun145177214190726726181.5076
Seppa, Dan174149198182703703175.7576