#478 Leisure Lanes

Kevin Thompson 3-17-2024
Kevin Thompson
  • March 17, 2024
  • Leisure Lanes
  • 40 Bowlers
  • Cut: +109

Kevin Thompson defeated Devon Boeck 211-195 to win the Survivor finals at the MAST event at Leisure Lanes in Monroe Sunday. This was Thompson’s sixth career MAST title and first in ten years, having last won at Badger Bowl back in 2014.

Thompson qualified sixth at 946, and posted the cut numbers of 213 in the first round of Survivor play and 258 in the semifinals en route to the win. Boeck qualified fifth at 948, and averaged 258 through the first three rounds of Survivor play to reach the final.

Thompson earned $376 for the win, with Boeck taking home $259 for second. The other Survivor-round payouts Sunday were $166 for 3rd-4th, $132 for 5th-8th, and $102 for 9th-12th. Thompson also earned $135 from the Bet to Win pot.

Forty bowlers competed on Leisure’s house shot. The cut to Survivor round play after four games of qualifying was 909. Chris Jackson led qualifying at 968, earning him fifty bonus points in the M & J Truck and Auto Points Race. Despite the relatively-high scoring pace, there were no honor counts posted Sunday.

The tournament prize fund was bolstered by a $200 donation from tour co-sponsor M & J Truck and Auto. MAST extends a huge Thank You to M & J for their generosity.

1.Jackson, Chris279207224258968
2.Schalow, Jon223267257207954
3.Eoff, Derek257235224238954
4.Pounders, Chris198225268259950
5.Boeck, Devon265245203235948
6.Thompson, Kevin201239258248946
7.Bechtolt, Shawn267167265246945
8.Maas, Chad246226247224943
9.Mysliwiec, Matt268227233214942
10.Kuehmichel, Chad226257217236936
11.Stoneback, Ryan258211235220924
12.Ambrose, Robert237201235236909

Thompson, Kevin213267258211
Boeck, Devon223277274195
Eoff, Derek248247
Maas, Chad279227225
Pounders, Chris217
Jackson, Chris201
Mysliwiec, Matt270185
Schalow, Jon178
Stoneback, Ryan204
Bechtolt, Shawn199
Kuehmichel, Chad192
Ambrose, Robert192

Thompson, Kevin$376.00
Boeck, Devon$259.00
Eoff, Derek$166.00
Maas, Chad$166.00
Pounders, Chris$132.00
Jackson, Chris$132.00
Mysliwiec, Matt$132.00
Schalow, Jon$132.00
Stoneback, Ryan$102.00
Bechtolt, Shawn$102.00
Ambrose, Robert$102.00
Kuehmichel, Chad$102.00

Kevin Repa262$45.00
Chris Pounders259$20.00
Chris Jackson258$10.00

Chris Jackson279207224258$90.00
Kevin Thompson201239258248$40.00
Chad Kuehmichel226257217236$20.00
Chad Maas246226247224$10.00

Jonathan Schalow$270.00
Nicolas Ruf$135.00
Chris Pounders$75.00
Chad Maas$70.00
Dylon Wilde$70.00
Chad Kuehmichel$50.00
Kevin Thompson$35.00
Stephen Hoehnen$30.00
Joel Meagher$25.00
Mike Hoffman$10.00

Final Standings

Thompson, Kevin2012392582489462132672582119491895236.88240$376.00
Boeck, Devon2652452032359482232772741959691917239.63215$259.00
Eoff, Derek2572352242389542482474951449241.50190$166.00
Maas, Chad2462262472249432792272257311674239.14190$166.00
Pounders, Chris1982252682599502172171167233.40165$132.00
Jackson, Chris2792072242589682012011169233.80215$132.00
Mysliwiec, Matt2682272332149422701854551397232.83165$132.00
Schalow, Jon2232672572079541781781132226.40165$132.00
Stoneback, Ryan2582112352209242042041128225.60140$102.00
Bechtolt, Shawn2671672652469451991991144228.80140$102.00
Kuehmichel, Chad2262572172369361921921128225.60140$102.00
Ambrose, Robert2372012352369091921921101220.20140$102.00
Repa, Kevin217262167262908908227.00130
Pursell, Matt223226238220907907226.75120
Svendsen, Chad216244209234903903225.75110
Meagher, Joel (JR)207289190213899899224.75100
Pollentier, Brittany224204208257893893223.2590
Hoffman, Mike278236205162881881220.2589
Hall, James189232267184872872218.0088
Ruf, Nicholas144268201257870870217.5087
Ermey, Trace199199233237868868217.0086
Liphart, Eric181213267201862862215.5085
Ritchie, Brent204193232230859859214.7584
Gibbons, Chris227209216192844844211.0083
Thompson, JoDon222201221193837837209.2582
Heinzelman, Jay248187161238834834208.5081
Wilde, Dylon193232216193834834208.5080
Kjell, Todd214196204215829829207.2579
Buetzer, Russel225191237169822822205.5078
Henes, David206156209229800800200.0077
Schmitt, Mike247153206193799799199.7576
Hoehnen, Stephen184253196165798798199.5075
Erce, Rick175201204213793793198.2574
Rowe, Mitch226173185202786786196.5073
Kline, Kevin221203203157784784196.0072
Wonders, Jenny206167208202783783195.7571
Johnson, Joe225194162160741741185.2570
Soukup, Dustin181202166187736736184.0069
Sutter, Alex165160190199714714178.5068
James, Becky202123170171666666166.5067