Pattern For MAST Schwoegler’s Doubles Announced

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This same shift doubles scratch tournament will be conducted using a pattern called Aspen, created by Nate Sime. Picture posted below in the discussion section. Basic info is 44ft 27.9ml with max of 8.13 to 1. It was designed for a tournament in West Bend that was canceled due to Covid. There is no need for a signup sheet as S.E.C. has the whole house available and we will be able to handle all who wish to compete. MAST major sponsor Phoenix Pro Shop will be supplying a ball at cost. Points will accumulate toward the M&J Truck & Auto Repair Points Race. This is a match play finals, the amount will be based on the number of entries. Schwoeglers league bowlers, who have not yet bowled a MAST this season and were not members the last season we ran, can enter for only $41 using the MAST House Bowler program. Hope to see you all there.